Tuesday 29 April 2008


Stop. You have already decided what this note is about. I dare you to tell me otherwise. You have, and you know it. You are not different or unique in this conclusion jumping; everyone does it. We assume immediately that we are somehow in-the-know, that we have the answers and that we can instantly understand. Ha! Wrong. You are wrong. It’s all about context.

You thought that this was a note about chicken. Dear reader, I have misled you. Do you feel betrayed? Are you frustrated, confused, amused, bewildered? Are you mildly uncomfortable, sitting there in the awareness of your psychological exposure? I know you, because you are like me... I know how you think. I can read your actions... I can anticipate your thoughts. That's how I caught you. Yes, you have been caught in my trap.

This has been a lesson in assumption.

Be careful what conclusions you jump to. Be careful what you assume, what you expect, what you are looking for. Sometimes reality can take you by surprise.


Anonymous said...

I read chicken and thought about cowardliness and the sort of stupid simplicity of a chicken. Have you ever watched a group of chickens?


Nicole Ankenmann said...

My darling, you are crazy. I have, on occasion, had the opportunity to watch a flock of hens as they sheepishly dawdled around their pen around their rooster. Meaningless and limited wandering, without a care in the world. Oh, to go through life with that kind of simplicity. Cowardly, perhaps, but so blissful in their ignorance and naivete... What a wonderful world that would be...