Saturday 23 June 2012

Now THIS is Camp.

If we can ignore for the moment that I am scribbling this update post from my iPhone, I think this is an exactly perfect moment. I am alone in a cabin, curled up under my blankets between the bunk-bed railing and the slanted wooden roof. My starry skies tonight are the constellations of names above me: more names over more years than you could count on fingers and toes if every bed was full. Outside I can hear the murmuring of overlapping stories down the hill and the tell-tale clopping sounds of flip-flops against the bare rock path. The night is cool, but not quiet.

Thanks, God. You have snatched my breath away once more and filled me up with joy. Praise and worship. Selah.


elaine101 said...

I'm smiling big right now! :)

WidjiMoose said...

Yes it IS!!